Select a Course

Make a selection from one of our great courses.

Self-Care Workshop

This Self-Care workshop is focused on caring for your body mind spirit. You will learn to care for your physical self, from your inner child and higher self. You will have a new relationship with your Self, with the understanding and love you so deserve.

  • In the following weeks I take you deep into unexplored parts of your Self
  • In the following weeks I will be giving you techniques to use
 to apply every moment of the day
  • Making self-care easy and effortless, instead of complicated and overwhelming

Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki 1

The Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki 1 online course will give you a foundation for the rest of your life. You can find a higher state of relaxation and tranquility through Reiki. You learn to work with the universal life energy and to apply it to yourself, your animal and everyone else.

You will receive an extensive manual, with detailed explanations of ways to give Reiki treatments, the official hand positions, different Reiki Master techniques. You will be guided through an Experience and receive the Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki 1 Placement.

Date: TBD, online or live-in-person, upon request

Costs are € 245,-

Bonus: 2 months participation in the Reiki Community Calls for free, this will serve as your integration into the material and experiences of using Reiki.

For more information or questions, don’t hesitate to ask.