Data Privacy Policy for Connecting Light

When providing services, I process your personal data. This privacy statement has been drawn up to inform you how I handle your personal data.

Contact details controller
The personal data is processed by:
Irma de Jong
Oude Vest 105
2312 XV Leiden
The Netherlands

Obtaining personal data

If you use my services, you provide me with your personal data in order to provide you with these services. This can be done, for example, during a conversation, via my website, via email, by telephone or in another way. It is also possible that I obtain your personal data via third parties in the context of my services.

Personal data

Irma de Jong processes the following categories of personal data: name and address details; contact details, such as email address and telephone numbers; Birthdate and place; work experience; competencies and areas of interest; treatment and conversation reports.


Irma de Jong processes this personal data for various purposes, such as: maintaining contact; offering a personal treatment plan; courses; a good and efficient service; management of the client base; performing administrative actions, such as planning, invoicing; collecting funds and taking collection measures; compliance with legal obligations; conducting disputes; being able to offer personalized newsletters and information (see also the text under the heading profiling).

What is the processing based on?

Your personal data is processed to implement the agreement with you regarding the treatment and/or training process. Your personal data may also be processed in order to comply with a legal obligation, such as obligations based on tax law. If personal data is processed on the basis of consent, this will be requested separately.

Provision to third parties

In the context of services, personal data may be provided to third parties. These third parties may also only process your personal data for the aforementioned purposes. Your personal data could also be provided in the context of a legal obligation or court order. I will not provide your information for commercial or charitable purposes.

How long I keep your data

Your personal data will not be kept longer than necessary for the purposes stated in this privacy statement. This means that your personal data will be kept for as long as it is necessary to achieve the relevant goals. Certain data must be kept longer, because I have to comply with legal retention obligations, such as the fiscal retention obligation.


I can combine the personal data that comes from the various sources, such as registration for lectures/courses, treatment programs, in order to offer you personalized offers and information.

Your rights

You have the right to request me to inspect your personal data. After receiving your request, you will receive an overview of your personal data within 1 month. If this shows inaccuracies, you can request that your data be adjusted, supplemented, deleted or protected.

You can also request me to transfer your personal data or you can object to the processing of your personal data due to special personal circumstances.

Questions about this privacy statement or a request about the processing of your personal data can be sent to:

Irma de Jong
Oude Vest 105
2312 XV Leiden
The Netherlands

If you have a complaint about the processing of your personal data, please let me know. If you cannot come to an agreement with me, you have the right to submit a complaint to the privacy supervisor, the Dutch Data Protection Authority. You can contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority for this.

Privacy statement changes

This privacy statement can be changed unilaterally by me. New versions are always published on the website. We therefore recommend that you consult this statement regularly, so that you are kept informed of any changes.

This privacy statement was last updated on September 1, 2023.